about the covid 19 booster shot

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 The first thing you should know about COVID-19 booster injections is that 

there's nothing that has been plainly determined about them. 

There's no guarantee that we will ever need them. There's no guarantee that we 

won't use them. To make matters worse, it's unclear what a booster injection 

should entail if requested. Still, a booster could be enforced to extend that 

protection if scientists find that impunity for the coronavirus begins to decline 

months or years after vaccination. 

Still, a booster would be demanded to expand our protection and include this 

new adversary if a new variant emerges that's impervious to the impunity 

offered by current antigens. 

family health care

Unfortunately, scientists are now seeing evidence that our original vaccines' 

impunity will not last forever. In a study published Wednesday in the journal ACS 

Nano, scientists found that people lost 90 percent of the antibodies they 

developed within 85 days of receiving an alternate vaccine. An analogous drop 

was seen in those who had been infected with the contagion. 

"It happened to everyone, regardless of their circumstances, and it suggests that 

at some point the antibodies will fall to a position where there is not enough to 

cover us," said Dr. Otto Yang, a contagious disease specialist at ULCA who led 

the work. "That is why an underpinning would be demanded." 

But before you horrify because your injection will become obsolete three months 

after you admit it, keep in mind that scientists do not know if antibody wear and 

tear and gashes will continue at the same rate, or what types of antibodies are 

required to give protection against the virus.

"The antigens generated a large excess of antibodies compared to what's 

demanded," Yang said. "The antigens generated a large excess of antibodies 

compared to what's demanded," Yang said. "Indeed, 10 of the original antibody 

positions is presumably a lot." 

He also cited other studies that have shown that antigens still offer excellent 

protection six months after a person's inoculation. 

To learn further about the status of boosters for COVID-19 vaccines and how 

scientists will determine when and if they're demanded,I spoke with Dr. Kawsar 

Talaat, an associate professor of transnational health at the Johns Hopkins 

Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

1. Do you suppose we are going to need booster injections? 

We do not yet have the data on how long immunity will last because antigens 

are so new. But they're really good and induce an excellent vulnerable response 

and, indeed, a better memory response. 

2. What's a memory response? 

Some vaccines induce both an immediate, vulnerable response and a memory 

response. When the cells that fight infection are generated, some become 

short-lived cells called effector cells that produce antibodies, while others 

become memory cells. 

Memory cells live a long time and do indeed cover you after those effector cells 

disappear. However, they say, I know what it is, if the virus enters the body. 

3. Is there a need for an underpinning that's aimed at a variant? 

What we have seen so far is that two doses of the antigen work verifiably well 

against current variants. Ultimately, we could have a strain that antigens do not 

cover us against, so we also wanted to make a vaccine for that variant that 

would be used as a booster. 

Instead of fasting on giving fresh boluses to fully vaccinated people, we should 

use our antigens to immunize additional people and aid in the development of 



4. Why do some antigens need periodic boosters and others only need one  

or none? 

Different vaccines act differently. Some do a better job of creating a memory 

response than others. 

In addition, the life of the vulnerable response to antigens varies. Ninety 

percent of us are basically defended all our lives from measles after entering 

that vaccine. The alternate dose isn't to stimulate the vulnerable response, 

but to capture half of the people who didn't respond to the first injection. 

On the contrary, the influenza antigen doesn't induce a good memory response, 

so the vulnerable response is short-lived. Indeed, if the strains did not change 

every time, I would need another injection. 

5. How will scientists determine if we need booster injections for COVID-19? 

We'll look at the antibody response and memory response of people who shared 

in the vaccine trials. I donated for one of the studies and come back periodically 

to have my blood drawn and my antibody response measured. They will follow 

me for two days and collect that data. 

6. What about cases of reinfection? 

We know that cases of reinfection occur, so we will also cover them to 

understand who suffers from them and what variants produce them. However, 

that would be cause for concern because it would mean that impunity has 

dropped or there's a variant that has escaped if we see an increase in these 

cases in populations that are completely invested. 

7. Still, why is there such important discussion about them? 

If we do not know whether COVID-19 boosters will be required, I don't know! 

Some of this means that we've got to make assumptions about variants and plan 

ahead. And there is some mistrustfulness about whether immunocompromised 

people or seniors will need boosters because their vulnerable systems are 


But, over all, I suppose there's a lot of concern, but there's no data to indicate 

that we should be bothered.


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