How to lose weight naturally

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Losing weight is a difficult feat. It takes dedication and hard work to commit to a 

new diet plan, let alone follow it perfectly in the midst of all the temptations. 

But what if we told you that you don't have to punish yourself for it? 

A few small changes to your morning routine will suffice. Of course, it is a fact 

that you would also have to maintain healthy habits throughout the day and 

maintain a regular training schedule.

Exercise aside, here are some morning rituals to include in your routine so you 

can lose weight fast: 


1. Sleep longer:  

Yes, you heard right. Your restful sleep is as important for your weight as it is 

for your mind. Experts say that if you don't get enough sleep, you tend to eat 

more during the day and gain more weight as a result. This happens because 

lack of sleep lowers leptin levels in your body. Leptin is a hormone that controls 

the energy balance in your body. A lack of this hormone upsets this balance, 

making you eat more. So, take some time to catch up on your sleep, and put off 

those alarm clocks as long as you like. Alternatively, go to bed earlier so you can 

get a good night's sleep. 

So going to bed a little earlier or setting your alarm clock later to get a little more 

sleep can help boost weight loss. 

Several studies have found that sleep deprivation may be associated with 

increased appetite. 

A small study found that sleep restriction increased hunger and cravings, 

especially for foods high in carbohydrates and calories. 

Lack of sleep has also been linked to an increase in calorie intake. 

In one study, 12 participants consumed an average of 559 more calories after 

sleeping just four hours, compared to a full eight hours. Establishing a healthy 

sleep schedule is a critical component of weight loss, along with eating right and 

exercising. To maximize your results, try to get at least eight hours of sleep a 


Note: Studies show that sleep deprivation can increase appetite and cravings, 

as well as calorie intake. 

2. Let in some sunlight: 

It has been scientifically proven that receiving sunlight at the right time of day 

can regulate circadian rhythms regardless of how much sleep you get. As a 

result, your energy balance and hunger hormones are regulated, and you 

don't feel hungry as often. It also helps burn fat and lose weight. So open 

those curtains as soon as you wake up and enjoy the morning sun for a 

good 10-15 minutes. 

3. Eat a high-protein breakfast: 

There's a reason health freaks love protein: It's the ideal nutrient for weight loss. 

Protein keeps you feeling full longer, so you don't have to include a snack 

between breakfast and lunch. Scientists say that protein reduces the amount of 

the hunger hormone ghrelin in your body. As a result, you tend to have fewer 

cravings and feel satiated. Sprouts, lean meat, eggs, and soy are some healthy 

options for a high-protein breakfast. 


4. Drink a glass of water: 

Experts suggest drinking two glasses of water on an empty stomach, as it can 

help you lose weight. Proper hydration is really important to start the day. 

A glass of water early in the morning does many things for your body. First, 

it helps regulate your biological clock and reduces stress. Second, it curbs 

hunger pangs and helps lower your BMI (basal metabolic rate), and lastly, 

it's good for digestion. Good digestion ensures that you get all the important 

nutrients from food and, as a result, stay fit. 

5. Practice mindfulness: 

Several studies have shown the positive effects of mindfulness on the human 

body, specifically through stress reduction and lifestyle enhancement. According 

to an article published in Harvard Health, an online resource from Harvard 

Medical School, one of the biggest hurdles in any weight loss regimen is finding 

the motivation to stick with it. You take a bite out of a cake, feel guilty about 

cheating, and then eat two more just for the hell of it. With mindfulness, you can 

cultivate self-acceptance and therefore be able to let go of guilt. This also helps 

prevent emotional eating, thereby restricting total calorie intake and ultimately 

promoting weight loss. Take a few minutes out of your morning schedule to be 

present in the moment; you can do it while eating, getting ready, or even on the 

way to work.

6. Get some exercise:

 Getting some physical exertion first thing in the morning can help boost weight 

loss. A study of 50 fat women measured the effects of aerobic exercise at 

different times of the day. While there was no important difference in the intake of 

specific foods between morning and autumn trampolinists, morning exercise was 

associated with an advanced state of malnutrition. Exercising in the morning can 

also help keep your blood sugar situation stable throughout the day. Low blood 

sugar can beget numerous negative symptoms, including inordinate hunger. 

A study in 35 people with type 1 diabetes showed that exercising in the morning 

was associated with better blood sugar control. Still, these studies concentrated 

on veritably specific populations and showed association rather than occurrence. 

More research into the benefits of morning exercise in the general population is 


 Note- Some studies have shown that exercising in the morning may be 

associated with increased malnutrition and better blood sugar control. 

7. Pack your lunch:

 Making the trouble to plan and pack your lunch ahead of time can be an easy 

way to make better food choices and boost weight loss. A large study involving 

more than 554 people found that meal planning was associated with better diet 

quality, greater variety in the diet, and a lower threat of rotundity. Another study 

found that eating home-cooked meals more consistently was associated with 

better diet quality and a lower threat of redundant body fat. In fact, those who ate 

home-cooked reflections at least five times per week were 28 percent less likely 

to be fat than those who only ate home-cooked reflections three or fewer times 

per week. Set aside several hours one night a week to plan and prepare your 

meals so that you can grab your lunch and go in the morning.  

Note- Studies show that meal planning and eating home-cooked meals are 

associated with better diet quality and a lower threat of rotundity.  

8. Change your trip:

 While driving may be one of the most accessible ways to get to work, it may 

not be so good for your midriff. Exploration shows that walking, bicycling, or using

public transportation may be linked to lower body weight and a lower threat of 

weight gain. One study followed 822 people for four weeks and found that auto 

commuters tended to gain more weight than non-car commuters. Also, a study 

that included more than 777 people showed that using public transportation or 

active styles of transportation, similar to walking or bicycling, was associated 

with significantly lower body mass indicators and body fat chances compared to 

the use of private transportation. Shifting your commute to work several times a 

week can be an easy way to speed up weight loss. 

Note- Walking, cycling, and using public transportation have been associated 

with lower weight gain and lower body weight and body fat, compared to driving 

to work. 

9. Start tracking your food:

 A food journal to track what you eat can be an effective way to help boost 

weight loss and stay responsible. One study tracked weight loss in 123 people 

over time and found that keeping a food journal was associated with a lesser 

amount of weight loss. Another study found that actors who used a shadowing 

system to examine their diet and exercise on a regular basis lost more weight 

than those who did not. Also, a study of 220 fat women showed that frequent 

and harmonious use of a tone-monitoring shadowing tool helped ameliorate 

long-term weight operation. Try using an app or, indeed, a pen and paper to 

record what you eat and drink, starting with your first mess of the day.


 Note- Studies have shown that using a food journal to track your input can help 

increase weight loss. 

The best line-

Making many small changes to your morning habits can be an easy and 

effective way to jumpstart your weight loss. Rehearsing healthy actions in the 

morning can also get your day started on the right foot and set you up for 

success. For stylish results, be sure to combine these morning habits with a 

well-rounded diet and healthy life.

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