Causes and remedies for frequent colds
The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat
(upper respiratory tract). It is usually harmless, although it may not look like it.
Many types of viruses can cause the common cold. Healthy adults can expect to
get two to three colds a year. Babies and young children may get even more
frequent colds. Most people recover from a common cold in a week to 10 days.
Symptoms may last longer in people who smoke. Generally, you don't need
medical help for a common cold. However, if symptoms do not improve or if they
worsen, see your doctor.
Symptoms of a common cold usually appear one to three days after exposure
to a cold-causing virus. Signs and symptoms, which can vary from person to
person, may include the following:
stuffy or runny nose.
2. Discomfort in the throat
3. Cough
4. Congestion
5. Minor aches and pains or headaches
6. sneezing
A low-grade fever
Generally, I do not feel well.
The discharge from the nose may start out clear and may become thickerand yellow or green in color as a common cold runs its course. This does
not usually mean that you have a bacterial infection.
common cold virus When should you see a doctor?
For adults: Generally, you don't need medical help for a common cold.
However, seek medical attention if you have the following:
1. Symptoms that worsen or do not improve.
2. Fever greater than 101.3ºF (38.5ºC) lasting more than three days.
3. Fever that returns after a period without fever.
4. Shortness of breath.
5. Wheezing when breathing.
6. Severe sore throat, headache, or sinus pain.
For children: In general, your child does not need to see a doctor for a
common cold. But seek medical attention right away if your child has any
of the following:
1.Fever of 100.4ºF (38ºC) in newborns up to 12 weeks.
2. Running fever or fever lasting more than two days in a child of any age.
3. Severe symptoms, such as headache, sore throat, or cough.
4. Difficulty breathing or wheezing.
5. Ear pain.
6. Extreme irritability.
7. Unusual sleepiness
8. Lack of appetite.
Although many types of viruses can cause the common cold, rhinoviruses
are the most common cause. A cold virus enters the body through the
mouth, eyes, or nose. The virus can spread through droplets in the air
when a sick person coughs, sneezes or talks. It is also spread by
hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold or by sharing
contaminated objects, such as eating utensils, towels, toys, or phones.
If you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after such contact, you are likely
to catch a cold.
Risk factors:
The following factors can increase your chances of getting a cold:
Age: Infants or young children are most at risk for colds, especially
if they attend child care centers.
2. Weakened immune system: Having a chronic disease or aweakened immune system increases your risk.
3. Time of year: Both children and adults are more likely to get coldsin the fall and winter, but you can catch a cold at any time.
4. Smoking: If you smoke or are exposed to passive smoking,you are more likely to be prone to colds and have stronger colds.
5. Exposure: If you're around crowds, like at school or on a plane,you're likely to be exposed to viruses that cause colds.
These conditions can occur along with the cold:
1. Acute ear infection (otitis media): This occurs when bacteria or viruses
enter the space behind the eardrum. Typical signs and symptoms include
ear pain or a return of fever after a common cold.
2. Asthma: A cold can trigger wheezing, even if you don't have asthma:
If you have asthma, a cold can make it worse.
3. Acute sinusitis: In adults or children, a common cold that does not
resolve can lead to swelling and infection (inflammation) of the sinuses (sinusitis).
4. Other infections: A common cold can lead to other infections, such as
strep throat, pneumonia, and laryngitis or bronchiolitis in children:
These infections should be treated by a doctor.
Prevention:Common colds disease There is no vaccine for the common cold, but you can take common-sense
precautions to reduce the spread of cold viruses:
1. Wash your hands: Wash your hands very well and often with soap
and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available,
use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
Teach your older children the importance of hand washing.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with dirty hands.
2. Disinfect your stuff: Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
like doorknobs, light switches, electronics, and bathroom counters daily.
This is particularly important if someone in your family has a cold.
Wash children's toys regularly.
3. Cover your mouth when you cough: Sneeze and cough into
disposable tissues. Throw away used tissues immediately, then wash
your hands thoroughly. If you don't have a tissue, sneeze or cough into the
inside of your elbow, then wash your hands.
4. Do not share: Do not share glasses or utensils with other family
members. Use your own disposable glass or cup when you or someone
else is sick. Label the cup or glass with the name of the person using it.
5. Try to stay away from people who have colds: Avoid close contact
with anyone who has a cold. Stay away from crowds when possible.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
6. Check the policies of your child care center: Look for a child care
environment with good hygiene practices and clear policies about keeping
sick children home.
7.Take care of yourself: Eating right, exercising, and getting
enough sleep aregood for your overall health.
Last ward:The common cold is usually not a very serious illness.
You can survive this disease because of your awareness.
Increasing physical awareness and staying healthy is our
family's healthcare expectation.
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