How to lose weight healthy without exercising

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 Did you know that you can lose weight by sleeping? Specialists explain how you 

can lose weight with a few simple habits.

Do you want to lose weight, but you never comply with the exercises or the diet 

that you propose? Fortunately, there are several ways to lose those extra kilos 

without the need to spend long hours in the gym or deprive yourself of your 

favorite treats.

Next, we will show you what you can do to reach your desired weight with a few 

simple habits:  

  1. Long sleep is good for health. Sleep as much as you can: Believe it or 

    not, a study from the University of Oxford found that getting more sleep 

    helps reduce sugar intake.On the other hand, if you don't get enough rest, 

    you will only cause your hormones to mess up, causing you to gain weight. 

    This same theory has been supported by nutritionists, who claim that 

    people who do not sleep tend to be hungrier.


  1. Do yoga: Can practicing yoga make you lose weight? Of course. Not only 

    does this cardio activity help you relax, but some of its 'body poses' will 

    also help tone your muscles, reduce anxiety, and improve your digestion.


  2. Change your snacks: If you are used to eating a dessert, a cookie, or a 

    chocolate during your daily activities, try to replace those foods with 

    healthier options. In the market, there are several varieties that may be to 

    your liking, for example, fresh cheese in squares, toasted almonds, 

    popcorn (but remember to avoid vegetable oil), etc.


  3. Focus on your meals: Everyone at some point has eaten dinner while 

    watching television, surfing the internet, or playing with their cell phone; 

    however, this bad habit would only be making you eat more without you 

    realizing it.researchers from the universities of Liverpool and Birmingham 

    concluded that people who eat while distracted, eat up to 10% more.


  1. Eat more breakfast: A study from world health organization (WHO)
    revealed once again why breakfast is so important to start the day.
    According to his research, eating more in the morning and lowering
    portions throughout the day could cause you to lose weight."Metabolism 

    changes throughout the day. "A slice of bread eaten for breakfast has less 

    effect on glucose and is less fattening than an identical slice of bread eaten 

    at night," Food expert Dr. Nusrat Jahan has shown in his research.


  2. Walk as much as you can: Did you know that walking can be the best 

    alternative for those who hate going to the gym? According to the study 

    published in The Journal of Nutrition, doing this simple activity for 2 and a 

    half hours a week could make you lose up to 25% of your body weight. In 

    order for you to notice greater results, trainer Nicolette Amarillas 

    recommends creating peaks of intensity by varying the speed of the walk 

    in intervals of 30 or 60 seconds.


  1. Fruits that can help us: Choose a piece or pieces, whole and with skin 

    (if possible), among the best fruits to lose weight. "The important thing is 

    that the fruit is not very ripe and that it requires some chewing," advises the 

    dietician-nutritionist. Another good suggestion is to mix yogurt with fruit and 

    take nuts that "have a very high satiating power and a very low glycemic 

    index," yes, in doses of 20 or 30 grams and always toasted or natural.


  1. Eat mindfully and more slowly: We eat in less than 10 minutes, in front 

    of the computer or in environments that are too noisy, overwhelming, or 

    unpleasant (because of the company or the conversation). Not in vain, 4% 

    of the world population suffers from binge eating disorder, and 2-3% suffer 

    from the UK. Furthermore, eating too quickly causes us to swallow more 

    air, eat more, feel less full, and can result in digestive disorders like 

    bloating, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, gastritis, or ulcers, 

    according to Carlas. 

  1. Control your food intake:"Food errors in large quantities can be the origin 

    of numerous food errors and, possibly, in many cases, one of the causes of 

    being overweight," says the expert. We tend to eat portions of pasta, 

    cereal, and meat that are larger than desirable; we use larger quantities of 

    dressings than desirable; and, on the contrary, we fall short on fish or raw 

    vegetables. Without forgetting that "in bangladesh, twice as much salt is 

    taken as recommended" and that the consumption of sugar and light 

    products is excessive,

  1. The best tea for weight loss: Choose those that contain
    Matcha Tea With Lemon Extract Guarana (which slows down the absorption 

    of fats and carbohydrates), French nettle (which is also a diuretic), mint, or 

    ginger, which help prevent swelling.


  2. Coffee Break, Tea Break: If you prefer coffee to tea, try to make it alone. 

    and, of course, without sugar or sweeteners. The maximum is two or three 

    coffees a day, at most.


  3. Skip the sweets: Industrial pastries are absolutely prohibited. Of course, 

    instead, you have a lot of options that are just as delicious and, above all, 

    healthier. Change your whims for other foods rich in fiber and antioxidants, 

    such as coconut, dark chocolate and its 10 benefits, nuts, and fresh and 

    seasonal fruit.


  1. Eat more protein: Protein intake has a high capacity to control appetite 

    since it affects several hormones that intervene in the sensation of hunger, 

    increasing satiety and helping us to consume fewer calories. Some 

    examples of high-protein foods are poultry, meat, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, 

    quinoa, and almonds, among others.


  2.  Prepare satiating and nutritious menus:There are satiating foods and 

    menus that make us feel full, prevent us from snacking between meals, 

    and help us lose weight. Among the most satiating foods are those that 

    contain a higher proportion of fiber, such as vegetables, or healthy fats, 

    such as nuts, avocados, or coconut, always eaten in moderation.They will 

    make it easier for us to stop eating on impulse.


  1. Increase fiber intake: Eating foods rich in fiber also ensures that we feel 

    full for longer, reducing food intake and the temptation to snack on other, 

    less healthy things. Try adding fiber-rich plant-based foods to your diet, 

    such as oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges, or flax-seed. 

    If you want to know more, we've compiled a list of 30 foods with fiber that 

    you should include in your diet.


  2. Be careful with coated sugar: White sugar lacks nutrients, and the only 

    thing it contributes to our body are calories. But, contrary to what we 

    usually think, it is not only found in sweets such as industrial pastries. 

    Start reading the labels of what you consume because you may be 

    ingesting it in sliced bread, cold cuts, or even packaged purees.   
    Last words: If you follow the above rules month after month, hopefully you 

    will be able to maintain the weight you need. I will not talk about any posts 

    today. And yes, if you want to read more articles on this topic, read this 


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