Mental illness is not a disease that suddenly makes you mad or cranky or lonely.
This addition is usually the result of prolonged anxiety.
For you, the situation is caused by a temporary disorder of your nervous system,
but the pain you experience is not situational and, for many people, not invisible.
Did you know that anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses that many
people try to solve without professional help? It is quite possible if you follow this
Relationship of anxiety to food:
One of the main symptoms of anxiety is emotional hunger. It is common that
when we go through times of great stress and anxiety, we experience greater
cravings for foods that are too sweet or too salty. However,
This behavior can worsen the situation in different ways. Therefore, it is
convenient to take into account what they reveal to us from a study at Harvard
University. Some dietary changes can relieve anxiety.
We must remember that it means reducing anxiety by changing our diet.
For everyday situations, we need three very clear approaches:
psychological techniques
Change in life habits
food improvement.
To improve your condition, we encourage you to introduce some important foods.
At the same time, you will take care of your well-being and reduce the effects of
anxiety and stress, which will help you feel better.
Salmon fish:
Salmon is a food that contains high amounts of Omega 3. A study published in
the journal Brain Research revealed that omega-3 dietary supplementation
reduced anxiety symptoms in medical students by improving behavior and
immune function.
White Bread Meal:
You've probably heard about the diet craze about eliminating sugary foods like
white bread, which are essential for weight loss. This is because these
processed foods contain refined sugars. Besides affecting your waistline, they
can also change your mood.
Did you know that rapid fluctuations in sugar in the body can cause anxiety?
Also, have you ever heard that cocaine and sugar have similar effects on the
body? If you've heard that, it's true that sugar is the famous street drug that
stimulates the pleasure centers.
Sugar will activate these pleasure centers and make you feel fantastic. However,
after a while, the feeling of exhilaration comes in a conflicting form. Change all
white bread to a whole meal and choose wholemeal rice instead of target.
Being judged and bleached is not good for you.
Cashew Nuts:
Cashew nuts are high in magnesium. A study in rats showed that a
low-magnesium diet could cause symptoms of anxiety. So it would be better for
you to avoid such foods.
Fruit Juice:
As the fruit is good for you, so is the juice, right? It is not difficult to reach that
completion. Most fruit juices contain only 10% fruit and 90% sugar and additives.
Unless you are doing freshly squeezed juice, you should avoid them.
When you consume juice, it is all sugar and no fiber. It makes your blood sugar
levels unstable. Blood sugar peaks can cause nervousness or worse, anxiety.
Include algae in the diet:
A study from the University of Modena reveals to us that algae can be an
adequate treatment to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Therefore,
it is necessary to include these foods in the diet to reduce the risk of anxiety.
Fried food:
There is nothing better than a belly full of onion rings, fried potatoes, or cream.
But some people get heart disease by eating fried food.
People who eat fried foods are more likely to be obese and also have a higher
risk of type 2 diabetes, cerebral stroke, hypertension, or heart failure. Isn't that
enough to cause concern?
Energy Drinks:
If coffee isn't bad enough, energy drinks can contain two or three times the
amount of caffeine. Did you know that these drinks are so dangerous that some
people can have heart attacks?
The American Heart Association issued a warning in 2019 based on a study of
these popular drinks. They found that drinking this drink can cause heart
problems. So it is better to avoid these foods for anxiety sufferers.
The anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids in almonds provide this benefit.
A 2018 lab study showed that consuming omega-3 fatty acids significantly
reduced clinical anxiety symptoms.
And a 2016 study of male university students found that those who regularly ate
almonds had a 28% improvement in mood.
These foods, which are classified as lentils, beans, and peas, are not only high in
plant protein, but also high in magnesium, also known as the calm mineral. Food
Journal's registered nutritionist and diet expert, said.
Magnesium is crucial for many body functions, including muscle relaxation and
lowering blood pressure, both of which help prevent and reduce feelings of
anxiety. It's even known to help induce dreams, so adding these foods to dinner
can help you relax and feel less anxious before bed.
Some say that having an anxiety disorder is like living in quicksand; the more
you struggle to escape, the deeper you sink into the pit. Fortunately, there are
ways to control anxiety and not let it win. After all, all mental health disorders are
the easiest to control.
First, if you have an anxiety disorder, you should never try to self-medicate.
There are natural things you can do that can help relieve symptoms.
Even something as simple as meditation or yoga can provide relief. If you have
persistent problems with this mental health disorder, you need to watch what you
eat. Your body needs nutrients to survive, not all these artificial alternatives.
Did you know that many ailments can be cured or improved by simple dietary
changes? Mother Nature is a powerful ally in helping your body manage ailments.
Write down things you can eliminate from your diet to help reduce anxiety instead
of increasing it.
Tips for your daily life:
Reduce coffee. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of pure water with raw fruit or aroma. It is
necessary for the proper functioning of all body organs. Also, by establishing a
meal schedule, you will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same times day
after day.
Keep up some form of physical activity that benefits your body and your mind.
Try to eat more fruits or vegetables.
You should not drink alcohol or smoke. These bad habits only cause a
deterioration of your body condition.
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