Health benefits of vitamin D need to be known

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Benefits of Vitamin D, what is it for?

Vitamin D Benefits

The sun vitamin, popularly known as vitamin D, is one of the most important 

vitamins for our body, given its incidence in multiple processes to keep both our 

skin and our bone structure in perfect condition.

Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient for health. It helps the body absorb calcium, 

one of the main substances needed for strong bones. Along with calcium, 

vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones thinner, 

weaker and more prone to fractures.

You may have known about the benefits of vitamin D on the skin, but have you 

ever wondered what other benefits vitamin D has? Below, in a how-to, we will tell 

you why our body needs this vitamin, how beneficial it is, and where we can 

obtain it in order to acquire the contributions of this nutrient. Take note of the 

advantages of vitamin D. 

What is and what is vitamin D for

Vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin," is a nutrient that our bodies 

produce naturally through direct sun exposure. It is a fundamental vitamin for our 

body since it helps to maintain, mainly, our skin and our bones.

Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins; that is, it is stored in the 

fatty tissue of the body. Thus, its deficit can lead to the appearance of 

degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, generate discomfort or muscle pain,

and even affect the person through insomnia or depression.

Normally, we absorb it directly through the sun and food, although if we have a 

deficiency of this vitamin, we can also take vitamin D supplements that we find 

on the family health care website.

Properties and benefits of vitamin D

Knowing what the benefits of vitamin D are will allow you to know the scope of 

the properties that this nutrient brings to our body. The most outstanding benefits 


A) Calcium and phosphorus absorption

The main function of vitamin D is to assimilate minerals such as calcium and 

phosphorus, which allows the bone structure to be fixed and thus prevents 

problems such as osteoporosis.

Thanks to vitamin D and bone decalcification, the fragility of the bone structure 

and proneness to breakage are avoided if a good fixed dose of calcium is not 


B) Strengthening of the immune system:

Our body requires vitamin D to combat viral and bacterial diseases. Thus, its 

consumption allows us to strengthen the immune system and keep ourselves 

healthier. Hence, in part, it is said that when we are sick, it is so good to eat 


C) Enhances the nervous system:

Vitamin D directly influences the transmission of nerve impulses between the 

brain and the body, which favors the proper functioning of the nervous system 

and facilitates muscle contractions.In this sense, the acquisition of this nutrient is 

more important, if possible, for developing children and athletes.

D) Lowers blood pressure:

Vitamin D helps balance blood pressure levels, thus preventing the development 

of heart disease, so the nutrient helps strengthen the heart.

E) Skin is kept hydrated:

Vitamin D is also very good for dry skin, since one of the benefits of vitamin D on 

the skin is that it maintains its hydration. Although vitamin D is necessary, 

constant exposure to the sun is not good, since otherwise the opposite would 

happen and the skin would be dry and damaged. However, vitamin D3 

specifically (a vitamin belonging to the group of vitamin D) protects the skin from 

dehydration and UVA rays, helping us to make our dermis look much healthier.

In this sense, it is not that vitamin D hydrates the skin exactly, but that it prevents 

it from becoming dehydrated and damaged, since one of the symptoms of a lack 

of vitamin D is dry skin.

F) Prevents cancer:

Taking vitamin D daily can help us reduce the chances of developing cancer, 

specifically breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

Likewise, scientific studies have observed that this vitamin is beneficial for the 

treatment of ovarian and uterine cancer.

G) Hair is strengthened:

On the other hand, vitamin D is also very important for hair, as it helps prevent 

hair loss as well as provide shine and strength. Also, vitamin D helps make hair 

grow faster.

Lack of vitamin D: symptoms

As we have previously pointed out, vitamin D is a fundamental nutrient for our 

body. The lack of this vitamin can affect our health and our state of mind, so it is 

essential to know the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency to give it even more 

value. Namely:

👉 Weakness in the bones: in its main function, vitamin D deficiency can 

cause problems in the bone structure, such as pain or discomfort.

👉 Weakness in the teeth or cavities: the lack of vitamin D can affect the 

teeth, favoring the appearance of cavities or the weakening of the dental pieces.

👉 Depression: if our body lacks vitamin D, the feeling of sadness increases. 

This occurs because serotonin levels drop due to lack of sun exposure, which 

makes us more prone to depression.

👉Heart disease: the absence of vitamin D in our body increases the risk of heart 

disease or diabetes, since the vitamin is closely related to circulation and glucose metabolization processes.

👉 Stomach problems: if you suffer from gastrointestinal problems, the 

absorption of fats and, therefore, of this vitamin is difficult since it is fat-soluble.

astrointestinal problems may not allow you to obtain this vitamin properly, which translates into other problems, such as the ones we have discussed above.

How to take vitamin D:

The main ways to obtain vitamin D are through direct exposure to sunlight or 


☀️ Solar exposure: go outside every day to get some fresh air.Sunbathing for 

15 to 30 minutes daily will be necessary for your skin to produce vitamin D.

🥪Dietary items include eggs, dairy products, salmon, tuna, red meat, red fruits, 

and so on These are some of the foods that will allow you to obtain a good dose 

of vitamin D .However, it is also possible to take it in the form of supplements, 

something that is especially necessary for people with darker skin since the 

melanin present in the skin hinders the absorption of vitamin D through sun 


Benefits of taking vitamin D supplements:

Vitamin D supplements will allow you to complement your diet and sun exposure 

in order to achieve good levels of this nutrient.

If you have symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, vitamin supplements will help you 

regain your health. 

Here are two of the best vitamin D supplements that will help your body get rid of 

those deficiencies.

One is —---------------- and the other is…………………

How to take vitamin D supplements:

Before starting supplementation, it is necessary for a doctor to measure your 

vitamin D levels through a blood test to adjust the appropriate consumption dose.

Dietary supplements help children develop their bones properly and avoid 

diseases like rickets.

Now that you know what the benefits of vitamin D are, you may also be 

interested in this other interesting post. If you want to read more articles similar 

to What are the benefits of vitamin D?, we recommend you visit our multivitamin 


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